Study Report - The Role of the Latvian Qualifications Framework in Education and Labour Market

In 2020, Academic Information Centre conducted an extensive study to identify the role of Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) in education and labour market of Latvia, as well as to determine, whether or not and to what extent the LQF is recognised among education professionals, employers and general public.

 To gather in depth information on the subject, various data collection methods were used. Analysis of literature and laws and regulations was carried out, survey for specific target groups was conducted among 1238 respondents and four in-depth interviews were arranged.

The results of the study show that awareness of the LQF varies depending on the target group. The best-informed target group were people working in education field, especially directors of study programmes in higher education, while less informed were representatives of general public and labour market.  Thus, the opinion on the impact of LQF is different in each target group, but in general, it was concluded that the greatest influence of the LQF was observed in the recognition of foreign diplomas and qualifications, as well as in the development of curriculum and occupational standards.

 Full report can be found  here  !


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